
By using Roman to Unicode Nepali converter you can simply convert your roman text to Unicode Nepali. Unicode is the only that computer understand and can diplay them as it in web. Many people want to write their post in Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus in Nepali language but due to lack of knowledge of unicode font layout for Nepali, they simply can't make it. But there is nothing to worry you just put your text in roman in below box and pressing spacebar you will get your all entered texts in Nepali. Now, you just copy and paste these texts wherever required.

Roman to Unicode Nepali Converter

Toggle between English and Nepali using Ctrl + g


Convert Preeti To Unicode

With Preeti to Unicode tool you can simply convert your Preeti text to Unicode. Preeti is a True Type font and machine dependable while Unicode is machine independent and you don't need to install font to view it. True Type font can't be used in web while Web easily accepts Unicode font.